How do I choose the right eyeglass frame?











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How do I choose the right eyeglass frame?

From time to time, a person needs to change the "environment". No, this does not mean that you need to make major repairs in the house or move to the other side of the country. You need to start with yourself, with your image. And if changing the entire wardrobe is too expensive and inconvenient, then change something simple but relevant. For example, buy a new eyeglass frame.
Oddly enough, glasses can change a person's face without any plastic surgeons. At the same time, it is worth paying attention not only to the lenses themselves, but also to the frame. As experts say, with the right choice, you can not only narrow the shape of the face, but also make the cheekbones more expressive, the eyes more pleasant, and the lips more attractive. So, as you have already understood, today we will talk about glasses. But we will not understand the choice of lenses (we will leave it to the doctors), but rather consider the issue of choosing the shape and frame.
You can't wear daily optics for those who don't need it. Otherwise, a change of style can lead to serious consequences, and then you really have to go to an optometrist.
It is believed that glasses are uncomfortable and spoil the whole look. But this is far from the case. People with vision problems have a huge advantage over others – they can only radically change their image with the help of one detail. Don't you believe that glasses can change facial features? Then here are some examples for you.
If nature has given you a nose that is too long or too wide, do not worry. Look at the catalog of sunglasses, select and put on glasses just below the bridge of your nose, and your nose will become visually shorter and more aesthetically pleasing.
Metamorphoses also happen to men. For example, if you have small eyes, nose or lips, or you want to highlight cheekbones, then buy glasses with large frames, preferably black or dark brown. Under large glasses, the face does not seem flashy, and the shallowness of the features is almost imperceptible.
People with a triangular face are advised to wear rectangular glasses. They expand the narrowed part and visually give the face the correct symmetry.
Another problematic face shape is heart–shaped. Medium-sized glasses with oval frames, preferably emerald and brown colors, will suit them.
The ideal face shape is oval. Owners of such perfect contours can afford glasses of all shapes, colors and sizes, and at the same time not listen to anyone's recommendations. And why, if any model emphasizes all the advantages and hides the disadvantages? 토토사이트 는 고객 지원을 진지하게 받아들이고 실시간 채팅, 이메일 및 전화를 통해 24시간 지원을 제공합니다. 지원팀은 대응력이 뛰어나고 지식이 풍부하여 모든 문제나 우려 사항이 신속하고 효율적으로 해결되도록 보장합니다.

