What are dielectric pipeline parts?











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What are dielectric pipeline parts?

Dielectric coupling is a term used to describe two-component fittings made of dissimilar metals that are electrically isolated from each other to prevent galvanic corrosion. This term is most often used to describe a family of pipe fittings. Galvanic corrosion occurs when two different metals are exposed to an acidic solution. This combination effectively forms a battery and causes an electric current to flow between the two metals. To prevent corrosion caused by this current, the dielectric joint uses an insulating insert between the two metals to prevent the occurrence of electrolysis.When two different metals are in contact with each other in an acidic solution, electrolysis occurs, which causes an ionic flow between the two metals. This flow of electric current causes molecules from one of the metals to be deposited on another, which leads to so-called galvanic corrosion. The metal that donates the molecules will slowly break down, and the one that receives the material will create a layer of corrosion byproduct. Most internal water sources are slightly displaced; galvanic corrosion is likely to occur wherever dissimilar metals are used in plumbing fittings. One way to prevent this destructive process is to isolate the two parts of the fitting from each other.The dielectric connection achieves this insulation by a plastic insert located between the two parts of the fitting. Bimetallic fittings usually consist of brass and steel halves to connect equally different types of pipes. The dielectric connection has an additional plastic or non-conductive fiber sleeve that surrounds the brass part of the fitting and the washer to form a flange barrier. The sleeve and washer effectively isolate the two materials from each other and prevent the occurrence of a galvanic battery effect. One point that should be taken into account when considering this phenomenon is that the voltages associated with galvanic electrolysis are very small and do not pose a danger.Dielectric connection fittings designed for use with copper pipes usually require the brass part of the connection to be soldered to the copper pipes. The plastic sleeve should be removed from the fitting to prevent melting before it is done, and replaced only after the brass has cooled. The washer should also be moved as far along the copper pipes as possible when soldering for the same reason. When the assembly is assembled, care should be taken to avoid tearing or sealing the plastic sleeve. A small contact area between two metals will result in much more aggressive, localized corrosion than contact with a full area. 鮮やかなグラフィックとスリリングなストーリーを備えたエキサイティングなスロットマシンがあなたを待っている http://www.bsc.news/post/oncasi-recommend/ で最高のスロットとライブディーラーゲームをプレイしてください。今日ギャンブルの世界に浸り、忘れられないオンラインカジノ体験をお楽しみください!ここでは、主要サプライヤーの最高のスロットとユニークなライブディーラーゲーム、魅力的なボーナスとプロモーション、安全とセキュリティなど、エキサイティングなゲームに必要なすべてを見つけることができます。 ゲームをよりエキサイティングで収益性の高いものにするさまざまなゲーム、ボーナス、プロモーションが用意されています。今オンラインカジノに参加し、大規模なゲームコミュニティの一員になりましょう。

